
We have very limited parking available for visitors/drop off and pick up. Below is a map that shows where there is staff parking and where our visitor/drop off and pick up parking is located. We encourage families to walk or park on a side street to limit the congestion in our parking lots. We want to ensure a safe arrival and dismissal for all our students.

The red area (north side of east parking lot) is for visitors/drop off & pick up.Staff parking in the two yellow areas on the map below (the south side of the east parking lot, and the west parking lot). 

Buses use the circle road at the front of the school for drop off and pick up, therefore we need to maintain traffic flowing so that buses are not blocked in or delayed with their routes. If the visitor, drop off/pick up parking section is full, families that have selected to drive to school will need to continue around the front circle and park down the street on Ritchie Ave or park on other side streets, and walk up to the school. We have newly painted cross walks at the entrance to each parking lot to highlight where there will be students and families crossing the road, please be mindful to slow down and stop for our walkers.  A reminder that there is no parking or stopping permitted as you enter or exit the parking loop. This creates a traffic jam and buses cannot safely get through.