Health and Safety

Emergency Reponse Procedures

All schools have emergency response procedures that are required to be reviewed with students each fall and spring. The three levels of the emergency response are:

● Lockdown is used as a response to a major incident or threat of school violence within
the school or school area. Students and staff report to the closest classroom or secure
location, classroom doors are locked, curtains and blinds are closed, lights off.
● Hold and Secure is used as a response to an ongoing situation outside the school that is
not related to the school. External doors are locked and staff and students cannot leave
the building but are able to move freely around the school.
● Shelter in Place is used as a response to an external situation that may or may not be
related to the school. Staff and students move freely within the school. We may allow
others inside should they need shelter, in cooperation with local emergency services.

Painting in the School

According to Board procedure 568, we are required to inform everyone in the school that there is a possibility that painting and/or building renovations could occur during the school year. Please notify the office if your child has any known reactions to paint or chemicals.